
John Willhoit Restorations open house 2018

There’s no use in explaining who John Willhoit is to a true blood Porsche fan. Especalliy to Porsche fans of the earlier cars, the Porsche 356 and the short wheel base Porsche 911’s, John Willhoit’s name is as familiar as the Michelin guide is to a culinary expert. Despite a load of open houses, the Friday of the La Lit Show weekend, the John Willhoit open house is the only absolute must for most of the Porsche guys in the area. 

Earlier this year, John Willhoit opened another shop just in front of his ‘old’ shop, making the capacity of his Porsche restoration business even bigger. Just as the previous years, it was hard to find a parking spot in the neighbourhood of the John Willhoit Restorations shop. And when hungry,yes you had to be patient and queue for a brats filled bun with sauerkraut. Even though it’s all about the cars, and the friendship between the Porsche fans, seen the length of the queue, it seemed many were just here for the free food 🙂

We took a long time to visit the shops and admire the quality of work done by John Willhoit. He’s been in the Porsche restoration business for many years. Nevertheless it is amazing, even more when you realize he never had any education on this subject. John Willhoit is a self-educated Porsche restorer, and he’s among the best in the world. Better make sure you’re in Long Beach next year, so you can see with your own eyes. Thanks for the hospitality John.

Picture gallery of John Willhoit Restorations 2018

Pictures by Vintage Race Photography