
Porsche Treffen Dinslaken May 1st 2015

Porsche Treffen Dinslaken

One of the events the complete Porsche world is looking out for is definitely the annual Porsche Treffen at the horse racetrack in Dinslaken.
Traditionally the 1st of May,  Dinslaken is literally invaded by hundreds and hundreds of Porsches and Porsche fans. Back in 2008 the event event managed to receive a world record by gathering 2358 Porsches to the parade at the horse racetrack in Dinslaken.

This year, again over 2000 Porsches of all kinds found their way to the ‘Trabenrennbahn’, to have a great day. From early morning till somewhere in the afternoon, it was a continuously coming and going from Porsches of all ages. The complete innerfield was filled with hundreds of cars and so was the racetrack itself. Some of them took part in the tours that could be made in the region, others just parked their car and enjoyed walking around to admire the cars.

Porsche Treffen Dinslaken
Porsche Treffen Dinslaken

The more special cars gained just some more attention as the others. A large crowd was enjoying the spectacular Porsche 918, but just as much smiling faces around some cute early Porsches 356.  The funny thing about the Dinslaken Porsche meeting is that you can keep on walking around the racetrack. You’ll always notice some cars you didn’t mention before. Or they just arrived, or you just missed the cars because there’s so much to see that the chance you’ve seen everything from the first time is nearly inexistant.

Traditionally there’s a range of exhibitors selling goodies to the public too. Toys, books or even some parts, there’s a chance you’ll end up walking with a bag carrying some stuff. But the main thinig about the Porsche Treffen in Dinslaken is definitely the friendly  atmosphere and the comradery between all the visitors that are there for just one thing : sharing their love and passion for Porsche.

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