Technoclassica 2014
Technoclassica 2014
Technoclassica 2014

The 26th edition of the Technoclassica was another huge success. Once again approximately 190.000 visitors passedthe entrance doors and tumbled into a vintage car show, hard if not impossible to compare to any other classic car show.1250 manufacturers and dealers offered about 2500 vehicles for sale, in all price classes. From the very common VolkswagenBeetle over vintage racers to super sportscars like Ferrari F40. Name a car, and there’s a huge chance you’ll notice onein the 20 hall venue. Next to the dealers, lots of individuals offer their car for sale too, on the outdoor premises. Because of thenice weather, these marketplaces were crowded most parts of the day too, without any doubt making lots of buyers and sellers happy.

On the dealer side, no complaints could be heard about sales figures, with some lucky dealers even having sold all the cars in just2 days. Funny to see the surprised faces when people visited their boots and noticed all the cars sold…

The official Porsche stand could be visited in hall 7, together with other members of the Volkswagen group (Bentley, Lamborghini, Skoda, Volkswagen, Audi).The Porsche Classic department proudly announced the fact that they have about 52.000 different parts in their catalog to fulfill the needs of their classic carcustomers. Somehow this figures should be put in perspective, as the parts for the Porsche 996 model count in the total figures too. Not a true classic like a Porsche 356 orthe early Porsche 911 ofcourse, but nevertheless I’m happy with the fact that by doing so, the Porsche management confirms their believe in all the cars they ever made.Another novelty at Porsche was the introduction of 2 brand-new motor-oils, designed especially for the use in classic Porsches. These motor-oils are available in just a fewweeks at your dealer. Everyone who has a little intrest in Porsche nowadays, knows about the Urban Outlaw, Magnus Walker.

Technoclassica 2014 Porsche 917-030
Porsche 917-30

Porsche invited Magnus to fly in from Los Angelesto be present at their stand for a Porsche talk with the visitors, and some autograph sessions. The dreadlocked Magnus, as always, remained itself, wearing his unmissable baseball-cap andjeans. This guy became a true phenomenon in just a few years, and I’m pretty sure many manufacturers would like to have a guy as Magnus among their passionates and collectors.

Despite the fact that the French Benoit Couturier doesn’t show up anymore in hall 3 with an impressive Porsche stand, this doesn’t mean you cannot see some great and rare Porsches anymoreat the Technoclassica. Some rarities this year where a Glöckler Porsche, Beutler Porsche, no less than 2 of the extremely rare Porsche 356 Carrera 2 Cabriolets, a Porsche 904 and Porsche 917and some very early Porsches 911. For the 1964 Porsche 911, you had to dig real deep in your wallet, as it was priced 425.000€ .

This brings us immediately to the current market prices of early Porsches. Once again we noticed the high prices of the early cars doesn’t make potential buyers afraid. Where 2 years ago, mainly the price of the early Porsche 911S was sky-rocketing, now the less powerfull and more common Porsches 911L, E and T are booming too. A good 1970 Porsche 911T Targa changed handsfor 70.000€, many 911s had six figure prices. Ofcourse no one is surprised to see six figure prices for the earlier Porsches 356, the Porsche Glöckler could be yours for 1.25 million €.The Porsche 904 that was on the Ladenburg Auction stand, offered for sale by Jan Lühn was sold, price unknown but this must be a 1million plus price too, not to mention the Porsche 917 he broughtwhich I guess can be yours for about 3million€.

We had 3 days of vintage car fun again, and are looking forward to the 2015 edition which will take place at Messe Essen from April 15. (Happy View Day) to April 19, 2015.

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