In the hundreds of books that are published over the years, thousands and thousands of facts and stories have been told. Sometimes you wonder : how on earth does on manage to write a new book on the same subject again. However, there’s always some new stories to be found. And some of the Porsche protagonisist have experienced so much, even an encyclopedia wouldn’t be enough to let them tell all their stories.
Wilfried Müller gathered some 111 stories that have something to do with Porsche, that are fairly unknown to the large public.Each of the stories is written down in just 2 pages, accompanied by a picture. This make the book a very light and enjoyable read. The stories are gathered in different chapters covering the following areas
- Early Years
- Key Figures
- Milestones
- Racing Drivers
- Extremists
- Around the Pitwall
- Family Jewels
- Magic Words
- Porsche Art
- Birds of Paradise
- Moments
- Super Sports Cars
- Prototypes
- The Most Amazing Tracks
- Cliff Hangers
None of these stories will turn you into a guy that knows all about Porsche, but this book will definitely entertain you while reading. More, you might impress other Porsche aficionodo’s with your knowledge on some of the rather unexplored themes. Definitely a book you should consider to buy.
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300 pages with approximately 150 images
available in German and English